Sunday, July 13, 2008

David Lynch: The concept of absurdity is something I'm attracted to.

Here on out I shall refer to the boyfriend as spooky. He first introduced me to David Lynch's Mulholland Dr.
I was so upset at that film which to me at the time made no particular sense.
In retaliation I made him watch Steel Magnolias.
In fairness to all involved I gave it a second go round, and came out with nothing more than a little better understanding of Lynch...sorta.
Then I watched Eraserhead. David's first experimental film, and oddly enough, I really liked it.
It's the one I had David sign when we met him. He of course was promoting his last film~ Inland Empire, which I have not been able to sit through all of yet. That's kind of how I am with Lynch's films. I do like Twin Peaks tho. And Elephant Man.
He dabbles in art, photography and even sings. He's such an odd duck. Quack quack.

oh yeah:
You know how stupid we get sometimes when we meet someone famous? Well, after standing in the long line for Lynch's autograph, spooky and I both were wondering what we were going to say to him. Didn't want to sound dorky yet cool. I wanted to play it cool. Maybe he'd take one look at me and want to cast me in his next film? Maybe he'd see how unnerved I was and invite us for drinks? There's so many questions I wanted to ask him but had to be just the right one. Just didn't want to sound like another fan. So I get up there and everything happened so fast. I say something real blase like: thanks so much for coming, and David says no~thank YOU. He signs my DVD and I'm moved along. I seriously don't even remember him looking up at me. I guess I may have been the two-thousandth person that day. Or, maybe he was rushing everyone cuz he had to pee?
At the end of the day I can say I met him, got my picture and autograph. But David, at the end of the day, you didn't get me.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

How natural is that disaster??

I woke up this morning thinking about all of the natural disasters going on in our world.
Starting at home from the fires that's eating up California, to the hurricanes on our 3 coasts. Tornadoes and floods in the mid west. Let's not forget tsunamis and earthquakes in Asia, severe drought and famine in Africa. I woke up thinking this surely is God's way of purging the earth. We've abused and used it for too long. It's natures way, really. Ironically enough I find out that today is World Population Day in which we have reached an unprecedented 6.7 billion people. And continues to grow 80 million people each year. What shall befall us next? One thing is for sure, the earth will continue to crack and swallow us. The sky will continue to blow and suck us up. The waters will continue to wash us away. The fires will continue to consume us or, will the selfishness of one country demand our fate?

Friday, July 4, 2008


July 4th. Whilst my boyfriend wanders about the English countryside, I'll be trying to catch the fireworks through the fog tonight. Well, just another day. For me that is.
For some people, they received their citizenship today. Which made me think for a minute. About the test they have to take. Could YOU fellow American, pass this test????

1. What are the colors of our flag?
2. How many stars are there in our flag?
3. What color are the stars on our flag?
4. What do the stars on the flag mean?
5. How many stripes are there in the flag?
6. What color are the stripes?
7. What do the stripes on the flag mean?
8. How many states are there in the Union?
9. What is the 4th of July?
10. What is the date of Independence Day?
11. Independence from whom?
12. What country did we fight during the Revolutionary War?
13. Who was the first President of the United States?
14. Who is the President of the United States today?
15. Who is the vice-president of the United States today?
16. Who elects the President of the United States?
17. Who becomes President of the United States if the President should die?
18. For how long do we elect the President?
19. What is the Constitution?
20. Can the Constitution be changed?
21. What do we call a change to the Constitution?
22. How many changes or amendments are there to the Constitution?
23. How many branches are there in our government?
24. What are the three branches of our government?
25. What is the legislative branch of our government?
26. Who makes the laws in the United States?
27. What is the Congress?
28. What are the duties of Congress?
29. Who elects the Congress?
30. How many senators are there in Congress?
31. Can you name the two senators from your state?
32. For how long do we elect each senator?
33. How many representatives are there in Congress?
34. For how long do we elect the representatives?
35. What is the executive branch of our government?
36. What is the judiciary branch of our government?
37. What are the duties of the Supreme Court?
38. What is the supreme court law of the United States?
39. What is the Bill of Rights?
40. What is the capital of your state?
41. Who is the current governor of your state?
42. Who becomes President of the United States if the President and the vice-president should die?
43. Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
44. Can you name thirteen original states?
45. Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death."?
46. Which countries were our enemies during World War II?
47. What are the 49th and 50th states of the Union?
48. How many terms can the President serve?
49. Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
50. Who is the head of your local government?
51. According to the Constitution, a person must meet certain requirements in order to be eligible to become President. Name one of these requirements.
52. Why are there 100 Senators in the Senate?
53. Who selects the Supreme Court justice?
54. How many Supreme Court justice are there?
55. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?
56. What is the head executive of a state government called?
57. What is the head executive of a city government called?
58. What holiday was celebrated for the first time by the Americans colonists?
59. Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence?
60. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
61. What is the basic belief of the Declaration of Independence?
62. What is the national anthem of the United States?
63. Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?
64. Where does freedom of speech come from?
65. What is a minimum voting age in the United States?
66. Who signs bills into law?
67. What is the highest court in the United States?
68. Who was the President during the Civil War?
69. What did the Emancipation Declaration do?
70. What special group advises the President?
71. Which President is called the "Father of our country"?
72. What Immigration and Naturalization Service form is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen?
73. Who helped the Pilgrims in America?
74. What is the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America?
75. What are the 13 original states of the U.S. called?
76. Name 3 rights of freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
77. Who has the power to declare the war?
78. What kind of government does the United States have?
79. Which President freed the slaves?
80. In what year was the Constitution written?
81. What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?
82. Name one purpose of the United Nations?
83. Where does Congress meet?
84. Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
85. What is the introduction to the Constitution called?
86. Name one benefit of being citizen of the United States.
87. What is the most important right granted to U.S. citizens?
88. What is the United States Capitol?
89. What is the White House?
90. Where is the White House located?
91. What is the name of the President's official home?
92. Name the right guaranteed by the first amendment.
93. Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?
94. Which President was the first Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?
95. In what month do we vote for the President?
96. In what month is the new President inaugurated?
97. How many times may a Senator be re-elected?
98. How many times may a Congressman be re-elected?
99. What are the 2 major political parties in the U.S. today?
100. How many states are there in the United States today?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


...does the bus always leave right before you get to the stop? you hear more complaints than compliments? pot illegal and alcohol isn't? we have an appendix?
...can't I sleep when I know I have to wake up?
...are skinny women taken more serious?
...can't people refrain from hitting? we fear the unknown?
...settle for less? I have to press 1 for English?
...don't I like sushi?
...has our nation become complacent? the Mac hated?
...why do I even wonder why?