Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Color of Perfection??

Is not Korean.
The Korean Air commercial really cracks me up. The ad wants to portray the airlines as:





but it uses people of other ethnicity's to portray their own (excellence?)
I think that commercial is disrespectful to their own country.
The Color of perfection they're trying to portray is everything but the Korean if you go by that ad. As a matter of fact, the woman at the end is still looking for it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

FRIDA KAHLO -July 6,1907 - July 13,1954

We went to Frida's exhibition today. It was really interesting yet it left a somber affect on me. Her life seemed so tragic, much of it portrayed in her works. I loved seeing the actual paintings. I wondered what thoughts brought each stroke of the brush. I wanted so much to reach out and touch her art, maybe as if I were reaching out to her? Why does an artist become more famous when one is dead? Back in the day, she was only known as Diego Rivera's wife. Today, she is Frida Kahlo~Mexican Artist.

I hope the exit is joyful-and I hope never to return ~ Frida

My favorite Frida pics.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is it really necessary?

I swear I used to like dogs.
Till I moved to the city. Now I just feel sorry for them. I live on a pretty busy street and I do believe there are more people here with dogs than kids. They take them into banks, restaurants, stores. Try doing that back east. HA! Stores put water bowls out for them on the sidewalks. You occasional step in their crap because mommie & daddie 'forgets' to pick it up. You cannot walk down the street anymore without seeing pit bulls, pugs, hounds, poodles, labs. The only exercise they get is when their owners go down the street to buy a latte. These are stay at home dogs with their stay at home moms. You see that doggie stroller up there? It's a whopping $119.00. I mean at least let the dog get some EXERCISE!!! And stop acting like those animals are babies, because they are not.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I am as content in my life as I can be. I've always said money can't buy you love. You have to find what makes you happy and BE happy in life. Everything else will/should fall into place. I think well, this is my existence. This is what's on my plate, what's been handed down to me. Why complain?

Yeah, I'd be nice to have a ton of money to do those things you see on t.v. Fly to exotic countries, a nice house by the sea, drive a fancy car, not ever have to work. Go to fancy parties. Instead I am happy to settle with flying across the states, renting a house by the beach, driving a nicer rental car, not having to work for a week, dressing up for a wedding. Well, you get the idea.

So why should I complain? Am I complaining? Yet, there is always a reminder, this picture that haunts me from time to time. It was a picture of a mansion with a Lamborghini parked outside and underneath the caption: the rewards of higher learning.

Yep, there it is. Nobody's fault but mine, really. I wonder why I never had the initiative or drive to do more, go farther? Is it a fault? Sometimes those rich people end up on drugs, unhappy and sometimes dead before their time anyway. Maybe I would appreciate life more if I had to work harder for things? Ahhh, who knows? I think being happy is the key to life. How cliche, eh? And, it's really hard sometimes knowing what that is. If you find it, you'll enrich your life and live long. I think that's what it's all about. 

But seriously folks, I still want that watermelon tourmaline ring. That house on the beach. That older pale green Mercedes that woman was driving around the other day. Not having to work, and not having to worry about money. 

The rewards of higher learning.