Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Take me home.

I've done my share of walking past the homeless, trying not to look at them. I've done my share of not wanting to make eye contact. Who carries money around these days? Everything's plastic. I'm waiting for the day when I'm asked: "hey lady, can you spare a gift card?"
I do look tho. I sneak my peeks before I reach them. I'm curious as to how they got there. I watch the documentaries on them. Fascinates me really, and saddens me too. If you help one, there's another on the next block. How can you stop? How can you start? The documentaries say they spend it on drugs or alcohol anyway. That's my reasoning for not helping.

He came into where I work asking for a job. He looked as cleaned up as I think he could ever get. I had such pity for him. He reminded me of somebody but I wasn't quite sure who. I tried to give him as much dignity and respect as I could. He said he could do anything and I told him we really didn't need anybody, but if he gave me his number... Just what was I thinking? I'll never forget his face. He wrote down his name on a piece of paper. I told him if we ever needed help I'd let him know. I asked for his number again. He wrote down his social security number. I could have cried. I kept that paper for a long time. As a reminder mostly. Maybe it was not to forget. I finally shredded and threw it away. I felt a bit guilty having such private information. That was all he could give me. That was all he had. Before he left he said "I'm homeless and I just need a job."

Monday, January 28, 2008

granma venegaz

Granma was cool. Really. She had this way about her. 
She never walked in a straight line but side to side, I liked that about her.
She could play you a mean game of Trouble and blame you for cheating! 

On New Years Eve she always had her entire house spotless. Even her linens ironed. A LOT of food cooked, cuz she believed what you did on the eve was how you lived all year. 

I loved the smell of her kitchen downstairs, kind of like wooden matchsticks and hot peppers on the skillet. 

She always had a stack of fresh tortillas for every meal and would insist even if you weren't hungry - "EAAAAT EAAAAT". I do believe I've had one tortilla too many!

I loved it when we were allowed to go upstairs. I'd sit on her couch and she'd play the piano. Odd, I remember the curtains there, they were paisley. There was a hallway that I called secret since it wrapped around the house in a weird manner. 

We'd go outside in the back yard and eat sour grapes till they were coming out our ears. 

We'd sit on the bench in the front and I can still smell her roses. 

She loved bingo and I always said: she died doing what she loved.

Granma's half brother was the President of Mexico from 1964-1970.

Her maiden name was Ordaz and was born in Zacatecas.

Let's catch those predators!

I have to say I'm very thankful for Chris Hansen's To Catch A Predator. It's amazing how many sexual predators there are out there. I truly hope each and every one will be caught and sent to prison. Just the very thought of what these men/women want to do to these children is sickening. I feel so badly for the children involved. How much pain and torture they must go through. Not to mention the psychological affects it has on them.

check this out: to catch a predator
If they're in your neighborhood: criminal check
And my new favorite to truly expose these creeps: perverted justice

I hate to post these next links, but, it gives you an idea of what's out there, and how could these people not get arrested, tho they fight they are doing no wrong and breaking no laws: nambla
Oh, let's not leave out the sick women out there: sick sick women (update: that website was finally taken down)

When good lovin' goes bad.

Someone once asked me: at what point in a relationship does it go bad?
 I think we all know. I've talked to a lot of guys and gals. I've come to this conclusion. (from her viewpoint) 

Good lovin' goes bad when... stop courting me. I still like getting flowers, poems and impulse gifts. stop talking to me. Suddenly I've become boring to you, I'm still the same.'d rather chat to someone on the net than me. I used to be that one. change the pass-code to retrieve voice messages. And it's my phone too! become rude and critical with me. Only forces me to become rude and critical with you. stop being a gentleman. Opening my car door, carrying a heavy bag always made me feel special. embarrass and make me look bad in front of your friends. Just who are you trying to impress anyway? stop reaching for my hand on long walks. Only breaks my heart. give me a quick peck on the cheek at bedtime. Remember when we used to tickle our tonsils? stop telling me I'm beautiful. And..........I still am.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

That tiger went...

By now some of you may have heard about the very unfortunate incident at the San Francisco Zoo. Tatiana, a Siberian tiger, got out (somehow) killed a guy (horrible) and mauled two others. (How could this happen??) The cops shot and killed her. Let me back up a minute. Some people would say the tiger went crazy? I agree with Chris Rock when he said, "The tiger went TIGER!" (when talking about the Sigfried & Roy incident) Take an animal out of it's natural habitat and cage it. How natural is that? It's a wild animal which belongs out in the wild. What do we expect? Really? Chris said, "the tiger went crazy when he had to ride around on a bicycle with a Hitler helmet on...the tiger didn't go crazy, the tiger went tiger." Anyway, I'm upset the tiger was even in that zoo to get out. I'm upset those people died and got mauled. I'm upset the cops killed her. But, that's what we do. Check out an excerpt from Chris Rock on the tiger incident.

chris rock~youtube

dirty girl

He'd come to work out. I didn't have a clue who he was. To me, he was just another member. He didn't have a pass, he was a v.i.p. but then again, we have a lot of those. He seemed friendly enough, always smiling, never talked much. One day someone said "Do you know who that is?" I said no. They said "Mike Rowe." I said so? Then it was explained to me. I never watched the show. I really didn't want to. I wanted to keep my same impression of him. But now, I'd greet him with "Mike Rowe, how the heck are ya?" I was now on a first name basis. He'd come into the club when he was in town. He has an apartment here in the city. Nobody ever bothered him, except me. When I told my son he worked out here, he about had a heart attack. He said he LOVED his show and could I get an autograph? I told Mike I was a celebrity in my family for knowing him. Then I blushed and said "Well, I don't really know you", and he smiled and said "Sure you do!". I said "My son.." and he said "Wants an autograph right?" and I said yes. He said no problem, when he comes back in town, he'll bring some pictures. Mike Rowe is true to his word. I had to get one for me too. I finally watched his show. There was a Sunday afternoon marathon, to which I watched every single one. Now I see what the hullabaloo is all about. It's a great show. He's really funny. He smiles a lot. He's pretty much true to self. I still have managed to keep my same impression of him.
dirty jobs

Saturday, January 26, 2008

some old haunts of mine

Ode to my best friend.

I cannot imagine life with drugs. I only know life without it. I'm one of the lucky ones, really. Too never quite had the need or desire for it. I was always a little chicken to try it. Peer pressure never kept an upper hand on me, thankfully.

-now your trapped in your cocoon, let the ties that bind be loosed-
-let your spirit free, twirling thru eternity-

My brain says go, my heart says no, do you know how much I'll miss you? I'm really trying to avoid this issue. Dear God, I'm looking for that special token, because I'm broken, hopin,for that miracle inscribed token.(hopin...)

-now your wings will soon be spread, no more sadness, fear nor dread-
-soon you'll twirl thru eternity, happily you'll ever be-

With all my heart, and with all my love, to my best friend.

gam zeh ya’avor
and this too shall pass ~ tjs

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

WHAT IF???? two snowflakes ARE alike
...the war in Iraq WAS
over oil
...the world DID end in 2012
...Jesus WAS married
...dreams COULD foretell our future
...butter WAS only one molecule away from plastic
...cats and dogs WERE color blind
...America REALLY owned (cough) america
...Hitler WAS part Jewish
...dinosaurs DIDN'T exist
...Hilary BECOMES president
...a can of coke COULD dissolve rust HAD aids
...Michael Moore really HAS a grasp
...the phone doesn't ring..IT'S me

Friday, January 18, 2008

Fat Cops

A recent police study found that you're much more likely to get shot by a fat cop if you run. Dennis Miller

Alright, maybe my first post shouldn't be so controversial, but it's definitely something that's been bothering me for quite some time now. Fat cops!

Cops make me nervous. I'm not sure why. They always have. Maybe it stems back to childhood hearing "if you don't be good the cops are gonna get ya". As an adult my palms still sweat if I have to talk to one. When I'm driving the speed limit I still brake when I see one. I sometimes fear a bad cop will throw me in jail just for the hell of it. I hope they're there th, if I ever need them. Yet, I wish we didn't have fat cops. That really bugs me. I know there are standards and they should have to adhere by them. The airlines wouldn't hire 'em. Hey, I'm no skinny minny but I'm no cop either.

It's really none of my business what they look like really, but I'm wondering if they're in shape enough to run after assailants?
I guess America really on the average is overweight. I shouldn't just pick on cops. Heart attacks and cholesterol will kill us quicker anyway.