Friday, January 18, 2008

Fat Cops

A recent police study found that you're much more likely to get shot by a fat cop if you run. Dennis Miller

Alright, maybe my first post shouldn't be so controversial, but it's definitely something that's been bothering me for quite some time now. Fat cops!

Cops make me nervous. I'm not sure why. They always have. Maybe it stems back to childhood hearing "if you don't be good the cops are gonna get ya". As an adult my palms still sweat if I have to talk to one. When I'm driving the speed limit I still brake when I see one. I sometimes fear a bad cop will throw me in jail just for the hell of it. I hope they're there th, if I ever need them. Yet, I wish we didn't have fat cops. That really bugs me. I know there are standards and they should have to adhere by them. The airlines wouldn't hire 'em. Hey, I'm no skinny minny but I'm no cop either.

It's really none of my business what they look like really, but I'm wondering if they're in shape enough to run after assailants?
I guess America really on the average is overweight. I shouldn't just pick on cops. Heart attacks and cholesterol will kill us quicker anyway.