Monday, January 28, 2008

granma venegaz

Granma was cool. Really. She had this way about her. 
She never walked in a straight line but side to side, I liked that about her.
She could play you a mean game of Trouble and blame you for cheating! 

On New Years Eve she always had her entire house spotless. Even her linens ironed. A LOT of food cooked, cuz she believed what you did on the eve was how you lived all year. 

I loved the smell of her kitchen downstairs, kind of like wooden matchsticks and hot peppers on the skillet. 

She always had a stack of fresh tortillas for every meal and would insist even if you weren't hungry - "EAAAAT EAAAAT". I do believe I've had one tortilla too many!

I loved it when we were allowed to go upstairs. I'd sit on her couch and she'd play the piano. Odd, I remember the curtains there, they were paisley. There was a hallway that I called secret since it wrapped around the house in a weird manner. 

We'd go outside in the back yard and eat sour grapes till they were coming out our ears. 

We'd sit on the bench in the front and I can still smell her roses. 

She loved bingo and I always said: she died doing what she loved.

Granma's half brother was the President of Mexico from 1964-1970.

Her maiden name was Ordaz and was born in Zacatecas.