Friday, January 23, 2009

Pittsburgh's goin to the Suuuuper Bowl.

I'm so excited! I really love Pittsburgh football. Especially the fans whom I may add, are die HARD. I remember going to the games and getting all dressed up in Steeler attire. Tailgating in the parking lot grilling chicken and sausage. Drinking Iron City and Coors Lite. Ahhhh, those were the days! I remember back in the day when the steel curtain ruled, and passed an immaculate reception. For over 25 years I'd often chant, one for the thumb, one for the thumb.
2006 was that year. Now, here we are again and I'm reveling in the thoughts about how we got here. And hopefully will win yet another title. Yeah, I'll don my Steeler jersey and wave the terrible towel. Scream and yell, pace back and forth, jump up and down, bite my nails. But in the end, not far off, you'll hear a little voice saying, one for the other thumb, one for the other thumb.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Who would have thunk it?

It would start with a hint of green. Everywhere. Little buds on the trees, new grass sprouting from the thawing ground. Lilie's popping up everywhere even surviving through the last snow. The whole earth just seemed to come alive. 

All day thunderstorms, rain pitter pattering on the roof, hearing the thunder in the distance. One one thousand, two one thousand. Everything just smelled so fresh.

Toes squishing in warm mud puddles, rain drops on my tongue. Oh how I loved Spring!
Laying in the back yard, smelling fresh cut grass. The hot summer sun beating down on my face. Climbing the apple and cherry trees and eating the fruit till your tummy ached. 

Sitting on the porch at night watching the gazillion stars and listening to the crickets and frogs. Ice cold lemonade, digging around in the flower bed, long bike rides. Summer was so much fun!
Watching the leaves turn colors, raking them into piles, jumping in only to have to rake them again. Oh how I miss the smell of autumn leaves! Carving pumpkins, hayrides, pulling out the sweaters. Fall was my favorite time of year!

Dropping temperatures, snowstorms and staying home from school. Sled riding, building snowmen, hot dogs over an open fire. Big big snowflakes falling gently on my face. Eating icicles that hung from the eaves. Snow angels, runny noses and frost bit toes. Winter was a wintry blast!

I do miss the four seasons.

Here we have four seasons: cold/sunny, cold/rainy, cold/foggy, cold/cold.

California. Who would have thunk it?