I would always coin that phrase when I was with special people, going to special places. I love making memories. They endure. Unless of course at the end of the day, old age steals it away. Every feeling I can think of, love, companionship, happiness, even sadness, can spark up a memory. I love going back to them, what they bring back to me. So don't think those little gestures go unnoticed. They'll revisit like an old friend. Make your own memories. you'll always be part of someones life.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Let's make a memory!
Posted by ritatortilla at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Before you judge.

Then, the only thing that seemed secure, the land you live on, breaks apart. The shaking has toppled every structure in your city. Two families, eight of you lived on the second floor of a one room concrete hut. Now everything has crumbled, smashing everything in it’s way. It’s dark and you’re in pain. People are screaming, crying out for their families. You hear your little sister but you cannot get to her. Hours go past and some of the crying stops. The eerie silence frightens you more than your parched throat, the heavy concrete trapping your body, your pain. It’s dark and you’re afraid.
You feel like rescue won’t come and more hours pass. Your body and mind become numb and you start to get a bit delusional. You think you see Jesus, and all you ask for is water. More hours go past and you know in time this will be your tomb. You don’t remember but the rescuers heard you singing, and that’s how they found you. After 10 more hours of digging with their hands, they, your people, lifted your limp broken body out of the rubble. You were trapped for 62 long hours and everyone was amazed you had survived. You told them you saw Jesus before you slipped off into subconsciousness.
Uncle keeps asking where the help is? Everyone is starving. So very hungry and need water. People are dying everywhere in the streets and being left behind. Have you ever seen a dead person? Can you even imagine your loved ones in the street and you have to leave them. The stench of death can’t be escaped as their bodies begin to bloat and become unrecognizable. Soon, they’ll all be piled in huge pits and unceremoniously buried.
Don’t judge them when they fight for food. For that will decide life or death to them.
Don’t judge them when they get frustrated help has not arrived for they don’t see it.
They’re not watching CNN like us with our bellies full.
They don’t see all the countries pitching in. The bottle-necked airport. Trucks leaving in fear because of disorder in handing out supplies.
Don’t judge them because they lived through the most horrible tragedy of their lives.
Don’t judge them because they are wounded, hungry, grief stricken and homeless.
Posted by ritatortilla at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
So it's Socal.
We've moved.
To southern California.
Here are things I've observed thus far:
1. Hollywood is only glamorous if you're a star.
2. You can live on a nice street and the next can be sketchy.
3. The weather is glorious.
4. You can be in the mountains or on the beach in an hour or two.
5. There are thousands of yucca trees in the desert!
6. LA freeways aren't so scary.
7. Normal people really live here.
8. Most everyone seems friendly.
9. Job market not too great, but then again, we're in a recession.
10.The corn man ringing his bell at night is quite endearing.
11. They name their ditches.
Posted by ritatortilla at 3:14 PM 1 comments