Friday, June 13, 2008

How does it feel to be an American?

My boyfriend asks me from time to time. He always laughs at my answers. I think he's being cynical. He knows he speaks the truth.
I wear my defenses like masks from the truth.
My European boyfriend could very well be just as American as myself.
We went shopping for him to take gifts home. Something that they could see was from and made in America.
Everything I found is made in China. In Nicaragua. In Mexico.
That's nothing new to us.
It's not some new revelation.
It just really hit me, not for the first time, just again.

hey ms american
its me again
trying to buy a cardigan
from the state i'm in

our american cars
have foreign parts
plastic toys from
unknown parts

american made it may say
american money you will pay
american delivered not today
american bred, no way!

hey ms american
can't you see the state i'm in
still trying to find that cardigan
it's left my head in a whirl again