What's going on in America these days? It's horrific. Children being abused, neglected and killed left and right. Most of the time by their own parents! The age old question, why have them if you don't want to take care of them? I can't imagine murdering anyone let alone a child. Such sad times. People may question, where was CPS during those times? It seems a hit and miss with them. Take the Garrido case, Phillip was a registered sex offender and even served time in prison for the rape and kidnapping of a woman. Where was CPS then? Check out that story here.
Then you have the story about the Demaree's who had their children taken away from them for a month after dropping off photos to be developed at Walmart. The lab tech reported the bath-time pictures to CPS. Read their story, because it could easily happen to you. I feel sorry for those children who didn't know or understand what was going on, and not being with their parents for a whole month! Seriously, things are getting out of hand. Just when do you draw the line?
Check out these other tragic stories:

Haleigh Cummings: missing
Caylee Anthony: deceased
Hasanni Campbell: missing
Adji Desir: missing
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