Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lock up your sons, the cougars are coming!


So what's the big fuss anyway? Men and women have been doing it since the beginning of time. For some reason, it seems more prevalent nowadays. There's even a reality show called Cougar. Pick up any tabloid and you'll find an article about Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher, Linda Hogan & Charlie Hill, or Halle Berry & Gabriel Aubry.

Check this:
Wikipedia's definition of cougar: a stalk and ambush predator
Urban dictionary's definition of cougar: an older woman who frequents clubs in order to score with a much younger man

I think the difference lay between cougars, or women who hunt younger men for personal or sexual reasons and women who just happen to have a younger boyfriend. Meaning, she didn't hunt him down because he was young. I believe in the 'click' thing. And it's hard to find someone you click with, no matter how young or old you are. So if an older woman finds a younger man that she clicks with then, the more power to her. And him.

I'm sure Cleopatra & Ptolemy weren't thinking they shouldn't be together because of their ages. Or Queen Elizabeth I and her one time fiancee Francois, Duke of Anjou. Oh wait, she may be the exception..haha..she was one hot tamale in her day. Well, that's another story. :)

My boyfriend and I were taking a walk one day and he says "Did you see the way those older women were looking at you? They looked to you like an Oracle, waiting for advice as to how you did it!" That really cracked me up, as I don't see peoples reactions that way. When I'm with him, I don't see his age. "We just click man!"


Anonymous said...

Yeah and you forgot me. I was the most famous cougar of my time. Read about the legacy I left here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_II_of_Russia#Personal_life

All the best,
Catherine the Great

Zach said...

This is hilarious, and informative...

I know what you mean though, there is definitely a difference between older women purely seaking sexual satisfaction, and the majority of couple that just click for reasons outside of their age.