Monday, March 31, 2008

A good read.

I'm not very good at writing reviews but I was so angry with the film maker. I had to stop watching it and vent. I would encourage everyone to read the book The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and invite no one to watch the film by Mira Nair. I mean, hey, most of the time the book is better right? You can almost expect the film to not be as good. But this one truly truly sucked. It was hard to follow. You literally didn't know what was going on and only because I read the book did I finally start to figure out what was happening. The introduction to the characters were totally non existent, and the film just seemed too rushed to even get a grasp. I pity those folks who watched it first and never read the book. Maybe I should pity Mira Nair and the casting. tsk tsk. I just couldn't get Kumar out of my head wanting to go get Whitecastles. What a poor obvious(?) choice of main character. And Mira, next time you decide to do an ethnic film, leave rap out of it. Unless your head bangin with the homie's in the hood.